Dermaplaning: an exfoliation process for softer, smoother skin
Dermaplaning provides many of the same benefits as a light chemical peel without any down time or post treatment peeling.
The procedure
A trained professional will first cleanse and dry your skin, then, using a medical grade, sterile blade, will stroke across the surface of the skin at an angle to gently shave off excess dead skin. A secondary bonus is that it also removes the fine vellus "fluffy" hairs from your face, therefore, making skin look and feel smoother.
The treatment itself should take less than 30 minutes and can be performed every 3 to 4 weeks.
As with all treatments at Skinfinity, you will only ever be seen by our highly trained, experienced medical team.
Benefits of dermaplaning
The benefits of dermaplaning are:
Removes soft facial hair that traps dirt and oils
Skincare products will absorb so much better
Promotes smoother skin
Safe procedure for removing dead skin cells and “peachfuzz”
Diminishes the look of fine lines
Works on all skin types
Instant results and no downtime
Are there any side effects after a dermaplaning treatment?
Possible side effects may include slight redness in the hours after getting the treatment and some people may develop whiteheads on the skin in the day or two after but this will very quickly settle down.
There is no need to worry about the hair on your face getting any darker since dermaplaning only targets the vellus hair ( commonly known as peachfuzz). The hair will grow back the same size and colour so it is physiologically impossible for the hair to grow back any thicker or darker.
Is dermaplaning right for me?
Dermaplaning is recommended for almost all skin types. But, of course, it is not for everyone. People who have thick, dark facial hair or those with overactive oily acne-prone skin should avoid dermaplaning.
If you are a person who has shown susceptibility to rashes, fever blisters and cold sores you may want to pass on this one as it can cause an increase in flare-ups. Same goes for anyone with active acne or hyperpigmentation — It has been found that skin tones which are sensitive to hyperpigmentation or acne may not be good candidates for dermaplaning as it can leave permanently blotchy, discoloured skin.
If you have active acne there are other treatments available that would be more beneficial, and it is necessary to wait until breakouts are healed before trying this treatment.