What is surgical earlobe correction:
Earlobe correction surgery covers a number of different procedures, from split earlobe repair to earlobe reduction surgery and spacer repair.
Our team are experts in earlobe correction surgery, and the chances are if you need a specialists opinion, we will be able to help you.
Earlobe correction explained:
Split earlobe repair: It's not uncommon for the earlobe to split after many years of wearing earrings, especially if your go to pair is quite heavy. It's also common for split earlobes to occur as a result of trauma, such as catching your earring.
Stretched earlobe repair: After using spacers or similar type earrings, often known as tunnels or plugs. When the hole goes above a certain size, the skin isn't able to return to it's normal size and surgical intervention is required.
All of our earlobe correction surgery is performed under local anaesthetic, meaning that the procedure is virtually pain free and you can recover in the comfort of your own home with no overnight stay necessary. Your surgeon will give you all the necessary information you need as aftercare and explain what has been done to correct your earlobes.
Ear pinning surgery recovery explained:
Recovery from earlobe correction surgery is relatively straight forward. After your surgery, your surgeon will have applied stitches and these will need removing if they aren't dissolvable ones. Our nursing team can quickly and easily do this for you and all follow ups are included within your treatment price.
Some pain and swelling is entirely normal although this can be managed with over the counter medication.
You will require a follow up with your surgeon, and again this is included in the price of your treatment free of charge.
Who will perform the minor surgery:
​Mr Ian Smith
With over 10 years’ experience in his field, Mr Ian Smith is a highly regarded Consultant Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon.
He holds his consultant post at the Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, working at both the Leeds General Infirmary and St James’s Hospital. Mr Smith is also an Honorary Senior Lecturer at the University of Leeds.
Mr Smith's private practice with Skinfinity is based at our purpose built Thorpe Park Clinic where he performs a wide range of procedures under local anaesthetic, including ear pinning (Pinnaplasty).