Non-Surgical Blepharoplasty
A revolutionary treatment for the treatment of puffy/droopy eyelids with minimal downtime and amazing results. Available at Skinfinity Clinic.
Approx. 60 minutes including numbing time.
Tighter eyelids and reduction of eyebags as well as wrinkle and line elimination.
Topical anaesthetic.
Suitable For
Men and women wanting the results of a surgical blepharoplasty without the downtime.
Redness & swelling may occur in the first 24 hours, this will settle quickly.
From £300
How does Non-Surgical Blepharoplasty work:
Non-Surgical Blepharoplasty is performed with a Plasma BT machine. The result of the treatment is the stimulation of collagen and the shortening and tightening of skin fibres. This results in localised skin tightening in the treatment area which reduces the appearance of "eye bags".
Our expert clinician will mark out an area on the skin in a small grid and use the Plasma BT handpiece to heat the skin corneocytes, without damaging surrounding tissue. This speeds up the regeneration of skin cells and results in tightening of the area and is very effective in delivering non-surgical eyelid lifts and neck tightening.
The procedure is carried out in our purpose built outpatient clinic. We use strong local anaesthetic to make the procedure as comfortable as possible and you will return home the same day.
With Non-Surgical Blepharoplasty, you can expect moderate swelling to last 48-72 hours and the small darkened "dots" left on the skin from the Plasma BT machine to drop off in 5-10 days. We may recommend some specialist skincare products to aid your recovery and ensure great results.
What is Plasma BT:
Plasma BT is a medical treatment device that combines gases in the air and directs them through an electrical current to a very fine area on the skin. The result of this is an accurate treatment which does not cause any damage to unwanted areas and it is minimally invasive.
A needle is used to target the plasma very precisely at the area required. This treatment uses a process known as ‘sublimation’ to effectively treat a variety of skin problems as well as triggering collagen renewal. This treatment is ideal for:
Improve eye-bags and eyelids with a result similar to surgery but involving no surgical incisions.
Wrinkle treatment – non-ablative lifting and regeneration
Scar treatment
Acne cysts/spots
The removal of skin tags/moles/cysts and more.
Treatment and aftercare for Plasma BT:
As with all treatments at Skinfinity, you will only ever be seen by our highly trained, experienced medical team. All our doctors or nurses who have undergone specialist training to offer Plasma BT treatments in Leeds clinic.
Complimentary follow up appointments are included with your procedure and as always you are encouraged to contact your Skinfinity doctor at any time with any queries.
Before & After:

How much does Non-Surgical Blepharoplasty cost:
Plasma BT Surgical Costs
Upper and lower eyelid/eye bags: £500
Upper or lower eyelid/eye bags £300
3 sessions (upper and lower eyelid/eye bags) including aftercare products: £1400
Mouth or Neck: £400
3 sessions (mouth or neck): £1100
*All multiple booked sessions must be paid for in advance
We also offer 0% finance on all our treatments.
Just visit www.prettyfacefinance.co.uk for more information or to apply.