About Skin Cancer treatment:
Skin Cancer is one of the most common cancers in the world, and when diagnosed early and appropriately treated, success rates are high.
Early signs of skin cancer usually present themselves in a raised area of skin or a lump and tend to grow over time much quicker than other skin lesions.
Another sign can also be moles that are uneven in colour or appearance, and we offer a mole checking service for any skin lesions that you're unsure about.
An example of a suspicious skin lesion:
How do Skinfinity treat skin cancer:
There are several different treatments for skin cancer offered at Skinfinity. The treatment you have will depend on the type of cancer and how far it has spread.
Your consultant here at Skinfinity will discuss the best option for you and talk you through the steps required to treat it.
Surgical excision (removal) is one option, where the cancer is removed entirely, together with some of the nearby tissue. It is performed under local anaesthetic, and in some cases where the cancer may be quite large, we can perform a skin graft to aid in the healing process.
Cryotherapy is another option for treatment, and we hold the specialist equipment required for this 365 days of the year.
We also offer a number of other skin cancer treatments where required, and your consultant can talk you through the options available to you.
Routes to skin cancer treatment:
If you suspect a mole or skin lesion to be cancerous or suspicious in appearance, you can make an appointment with your GP, or direct with one of our consultant plastic surgeons to avoid any delay in assessment.
A biopsy of the area may be taken and sent to our laboratory for tests to determine whether the lesion is cancerous or not, and if it is, we can refer you directly into our skin cancer treatment service.
Who will perform your skin cancer treatment:

​Mr Ian Smith
With over 10 years’ experience in his field, Mr Ian Smith is a highly regarded Consultant Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon. Ian is the head of Sarcoma at Leeds Teaching Hospitals and offers private treatment here at Skinfinity.
He holds his consultant post at the Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, working at both the Leeds General Infirmary and St James’s Hospital. Mr Smith is also an Honorary Senior Lecturer at the University of Leeds.
Mr Smith's private practice with Skinfinity is based at our purpose built Thorpe Park Clinic where he performs a wide range of procedures under local anaesthetic, including skin cancer treatment.