What are moles and skin tags:
Moles form when the skin on your body grows in a cluster rather than being spread throughout an area.
Because of the composition of these clusters, they are often darker in colour than your normal skin tone, and are prone to darken in the sun.
Moles are normally nothing to worry about, but a sign in shape, size of colour can sometimes be an indication of melanoma (a type of skin cancer)
Skin tags are a natural growth that often appear on the body. They are a collection of loose collagen fibres and blood vessels and are harmless.
Clothing can often irritate skin tags, and removal isn't normally covered on the NHS. That's where Skinfinity Clinic can help.
Can moles & skin tags be removed:
Moles and skin tags (also known as skin blemishes) are easy to remove, and a range of techniques can be used to best suit the size and location of the blemish.
At Skinfinity, we can use cryotherapy and surgery for a range of size of blemishes. The procedures are virtually pain free due to the use of local anaesthetic, and recovery quick.
Mild scarring that fades with time can be expected from most removals.
What happens during a surgical removal:
During surgical mole or skin tag removal, our consultant plastic surgeon will totally numb the treatment area with local anaesthetic, meaning that you won't feel any pain during the procedure.
A scalpel is used to cut around the circumference of the blemish and if required the wound is closed with sutures to leave just a fine line in the place of the mark.
The time taken to surgically remove a birthmark is 20-30 minutes, and you will be able to return home shortly after your procedure.
Following the surgery, we will require you to attend a follow up with our team one week after the procedure to change your dressing and perform a post op check up to ensure everything is settling down.
Who will perform the minor surgery:
​Mr Ian Smith
With over 10 years’ experience in his field, Mr Ian Smith is a highly regarded Consultant Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon.
He holds his consultant post at the Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, working at both the Leeds General Infirmary and St James’s Hospital. Mr Smith is also an Honorary Senior Lecturer at the University of Leeds.
Mr Smith's private practice with Skinfinity is based at our purpose built Thorpe Park Clinic where he performs a wide range of procedures under local anaesthetic, including surgical mole and skin tag removal.